The 10-Day Tech Challenge

Rapidly Advance Your Child's Tech Ability to the Top 1%

In Business & Tech Tools For Their Age Group.

Rapidly Advance Your Child's Tech Ability to the Top 1% In Business & Tech Tools For Their Age Group.

Ages 12 to 17


Here's what your child gets:

  • Gain real work experience through "mini-tech challenges" and learn by doing the actual work.

  • Get practical experience with the 9 essential modern tech tools used by Fortune 500 companies, entrepreneurs, and executives.

  • Start & Build their "tech portfolio" & impress college admissions & future employers.

  • No prior experience needed—designed for beginners to jump in and start learning right away.

Register now for the 10-Day Tech Challenge for just $47 (Normally $197).

After payment, you will get access immediately.

"It's very satisfying to complete a challenge and see the end result. That's the reward of seeing the finished product of the challenge."

Hemingway W. (14) California

"It's very satisfying to complete a challenge and see the end result. That's the reward of seeing the finished product of the challenge."

Hemingway W. (14) California

What Will Your Child Learn Inside

The 10-Day Tech Challenge

The Fastest Way To Build & Launch a Website in Less than 1 Hour Without Any Coding Needed

  • Get 100% clarity in which tools to use, how to use them, and how to build the correct foundations for your child's future success.

  • Learn my popular "Laser Eyes Technique" for learning new tech tools that helped me learn new tech faster than 99.9% of people.

  • The Art of Elimination and how plan the end result
    without adding unnecessary details.

Learn How To Accept Online Payments From Future Customers and Create Customer Order Forms

  • How to build a real checkout page so your child can learn the most necessary skill in business: Accepting a Payment!

  • Learning the art of simplicity while designing forms, coupon codes, calendar links, and customer order forms.

  • How to setup a customer waitlist so your child can take action on brand-new ideas without first having to build it.

How to Launch Time-Saving Email Automations For Their Future Business Ideas

  • A powerful & little known tech-tool to create automated email sequences to learn the basics of marketing and online sales.

  • Understand how to build email subscriber lists using links, promotions, tracking, and other internet marketing tools.

  • Learn time-saving workflows for your child to help them become a future-ready asset for any team and organization.

Student Success Stories:

Hemingway Waterous, (14) California

"It's very satisfying to complete a challenge and see the end result. That's the reward of seeing the finished product of the challenge."

Phoenix Kilgore, (16) Oklahoma

“I’m really proud of myself. I used what I learned for my personal Youtube channel. I was proud of that. I am putting things together. The 2 most useful ones are ChatGPT and Suno. I can do a lot of things now."

Luke & Wesley Rodriguez (16 & 15) Texas

“I thought it was really cool how easy it was to create a interactive website that can be used for real time business. Creating “Buy Now” buttons, hyperlinks, order form, and scheduling with clients on the website.”

Kareem L. (14) New Jersey

“The challenges were fun and very helpful. I learned a lot of things I probably wouldn’t have taken the time to learn on my own. If I had to learn this myself, it would have take much longer and might not be as good as what you taught. I feel more confident in my ability to use these tools.”

Rajesh (13) Washington

“I am having a great time doing my challenges and I am almost done with the first one! I started with level 2 today and I am confident I will get my prize bounty! I love the app design challenge!”

Blake H. (16) Texas

"I’ve learned I think 15 or 20 new business tools that i never heard before. It’s really exciting and fun. I learned a lot of useful stuff.”






Listen up...

If you want your son or daughter to be equipped with the modern tools that help them solve problems, be more creative with their ideas, and take action on their best ideas, here's what you need to know...

If you think that schools are behind in teaching tech skills to children, you are correct in thinking that.

Tech is moving way too fast, and they are already more than 10 years behind the curve.

There are real problems to solve in the new economy, and only those that are equipped with these new & modern tools will be able to solve them.

These simple, non-coding tech tools aren’t taught in schools because even teachers don’t know about them.

The old way of trusting the schools to help your child learn and grow with tech is not enough anymore.

If you rely on schools to adapt to all these tech trends in time, you'll be risking your child's ability to step up as a leader in this world. Tech is not "optional" anymore.

Let's take a quick walk down memory lane...

Remember, when we were kids, how we had to go to the library to find information for our school projects? Today, kids can access everything they need with a few clicks.

But that's just the start...

TODAY... It's possible to contribute to projects globally, solve problems in web, advertising, content creation, task automation, people/data management, entrepreneur & business, data analysis, troubleshooting issues, and NOW... even A.I. has come into the mix.

I don't want to overwhelm you with all this.

I want you to have a trustworthy tech mentor on your child's team.

I'll take care of it. I will make sure your child is ready and excited about tech.

NOT intimidated, frustrated, or annoyed.

We have a 92% completion rate, and I'm very proud of that. Every student matters to me.

ALL YOU NEED is one tech tool to change their lives forever.

It's time to invest into their tech ability. I want you to see what your child is truly capable of in the next few weeks inside the 10-Day Tech Challenge.



  • Learn at their own pace & work on these challenges in a flexible schedule.

  • Ensure your child gains real-life work experience, essential for their résumé, college applications, and boosting their confidence.

  • Get Instant and Immediate help & mentorship inside our virtual office as soon as your child needs it, without emailing, texting, or waiting on hold.

  • Master the basics of 38 different tech tools to help them solve problems, be more creative, and work towards their ideas, solving problems globally with the Internet.

  • Discover best practices in tech and how to organize their mind.

  • Wide range of experience in entrepreneurship, business, data, design, web development, advertising, content creation, task automation, payments, and so much more...

  • Learn my popular "Laser Eyes" Technique that helped me learn tech faster than 99.9% of people.

  • Learn by working on real-life problems rather than theoretical ones, without being tested, quizzed, or having to memorize anything.

  • Gain actual working knowledge that prepares them for real-world scenarios and challenges.

After payment, you will get access immediately.

Why Do Our Students Succeed?

Watch This Video To Find Out The 3 Secrets To Our Student Success

Introducing the


This is NOT a course. This is real-life work experience.

Learn the Modern Tech Tools To Solve Real-World Problems and Become a Young Leader.

  • Build your child's confidence in taking on real-world problems and solving them using modern tech tools

    (no coding needed)

  • Receive daily goals, checklists, & step-by-step instruction by following the 10-Day Challenge Process from start to finish.

  • Get Immediate Help & Mentorship inside the Starter School Virtual Office so that your child never gets stuck or feels they are doing this alone.

  • Learn tech in a simple & easy way... Learning tech doesn't have to take a full semester, this 10-Day challenge proves that.

"I Got a Sense of Success After Completing a Challenge"

I feel like a got a sense of success after completing a challenge because in regular homework it's oh yay I got an A. Like homeworks feels like punishment but with this it actually kind of felt rewarding, because I actually used Zapier I think the other day, this course is something along the lines of what school actually should be. Anybody that would start a business would need some of this.

Hemingway Waterous, (14) California

Learn Massively Valuable Tech Skills in 10 Days or Less...

And Become a Leader in their Class.

  • The “Big 6” tech apps your child must learn and include in their tech portfolio website to gain a competitive advantage in their resume, ability, and future college applications.

  • ​​​How to learn new tech 10x faster using the Laser Eyes technique that has been my biggest secret for learning new tech tools.

  • The art of elimination and why it's important to start with this in mind before building anything... in order to save time and get to a "v1" state.

  • How to use simple templates to get to the end result much faster without all the headache, frustration, and time. - 3x faster with 3x more clarity

  • The EXACT process to set up each web component, how to set it up, and most importantly WHY they are doing this.

  • How to create the a simple checkout page with coupon codes and what they will be able to do in the future with this one skill.

  • Learn how to build a tech portfolio website, launch payment checkout page, create waitlists, calendar links, email subscriber systems, basic automations, testing, and more... (without this 10-day challenge they will likely never get this much experience in such a short amount of time.)

  • The best practices for "decision-making" while new tech tools and eliminating the 100s of different paths you could go.

    And MUCH more...

Your All-Access Pass: The 10-Day Tech Challenge

  • Day 1: The Goal of the Challenge: Overview of the goals, the checklists, the journey they are starting.

  • Why This Matters & Is Important: - We always start every learning moment with the "why". This is so important and something that most teachers do not do. No one ever bothered to explain to me WHY my calculus class in high school was important. I make sure your child will understand the "Why", every step of the way.

  • Day 1 & 2: My Powerful "Laser Eyes Technique" to Learn how I am able to learn new tech tools faster than 99.9% of people by using a simple & easy website scanning technique that anyone can master!

  • Day 2 to 4: The Tools, Foundations, & Components: - Get 100% clarity in which tools to use, how to use them, and how to build the right foundations for the rest of the 10-Day Tech Challenge.

  • Day 2 to 4: Accessing Templates, Waitlists, and Embeds: - Discover how templates and pre-created forms & videos can be used to speed up their problem solving and save time in the future.

  • Day 2 to 4: Creating & Linking to a Community - They'll discover how easy it is to build a brand new community to link into their portfolio so they can become a leader in the new economy.

  • Day 4 to 7: The Basics of an Email Subscribers: Your child will learn the basics of how small businesses, mid-size companies, & even Fortune 500 companies collect customer data for marketing purposes.

  • ​Day 4 to 7: Customer Forms, Accepting Payments, & Creating Coupon Codes - The most important skill every teenager needs to master. It's not hard, but it's not taught to them in school. They MUST understand how to accept an online payment. It is as important as "counting change" at a register used to be. But now, the world has changed and they need to learn this.

  • Day 7 to 10: Email Automation 101: The most popular section among all our students. Students rave about how cool it is that they now understand the basics of email automations.

  • Day 7 to 10: Testing on Desktop & Mobile: How to test the final result and go through the checklist so they know there's no errors or issues.

  • ​Personal Guarantee: Learn these Modern Tech Tools in 60 Days - Or Your Money Back

$497 VALUE

WAS $197



After payment, you will get access immediately.

Hey I'm Diveej

I have hand-selected 38 of the most impactful (and simple) tools your child needs to learn before they graduate high school.

Your child will go into the next phase of their life with these tech abilities. They will be able to take action on their future ideas. They might even go off and start their first businesses, step into leadership positions, and develop a joy for life and work that stays with them forever.

Your child to be able to dream bigger than they ever have. They will be able to see the bigger picture and use these tools to be more creative and thoughtful.

Take the leap of faith with this 10-Day Challenge because I know how life-changing this is going to be for them. They will be able to step up and solve problems at a higher level... something their classmates will not be able to do. This is a real advantage for them in life, and they will be more confident in themselves because of it.

You are about to make an excellent decision and something amazing is going to happen because of this.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if it doesn’t work for my child?

Over 600 students have gone through this challenge. If your child does not complete the challenge within 60 days, we'll give you the money back. We take all the risk so you can feel safe making this decision.

What will my child learn with this?

They will learn the important skill of creating a real website without any code, and accepting payments online by building checkout pages. Checkout pages are equipped with automations, order forms, waitlists, coupon codes, and so much more that your child will learn in a very short amount of time! This skill is essential for exercising their creative problem-solving ability and unlocking their hidden entrepreneur mind.

How much time will this take them?

They can complete this challenge in about 5-6 hours total. They can split the work up into an hour a day or finish it in less than one week. Most students complete the entire challenge within 7 days. If something comes up, we do offer extensions to make sure your child can finish. We even offer unlimited 1-to-1 tutoring during this 10-day period to make certain your child always has a path forward and is never stuck or frustrated!

Is there any certificate of completion that my child will receive?

Once they complete this challenge, your child will receive a list of accomplishments and an e-certificate of completion they can add to their resume, college, and job applications.

Additionally, your child will receive a $20 gift card as a reward for completing this challenge successfully.

What happens if my child gets stuck on a problem?

During their challenge, they can receive unlimited 1-on-1 support from our mentors. They can get support instantly by pressing one button inside the challenge portal. No need to wait for an email reply, call anyone, or text anyone. We provide immediate support so getting support is always simple, fast, and easy for them.

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